Monday, November 26, 2018

Obama’s People!

Many people seem to miss president Barack Obama. Even conservative Max Boot says “How I miss Barack Obama.  His presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned. All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor. And his strengths — seriousness, dignity, intellect, probity, dedication to ideals larger than self — shine all the more clearly in retrospect.”

And Max is not the only one to miss Obama. 

Now that the midterms are over, people are considering running for president of the United States and some of those people are friends of Barack Obama-here are a few to consider.

Eric Holder!

Eric Holder was Barack Obama’s Attorney general from 2009 to 2015. 

Holder says he will decide if he will run for president by early 2019. 

With former president Barack Obama's backing.  former Attorney General Eric Holder is leading a new party effort to redraw the jurisdictional lines, thus ending  gerrymandering, 

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee-the NDRC,  is building a targeted, state-by-state strategy that ensures Democrats can fight back and produce fairer maps in the 2021 redistricting process.

Great work! The USA needs fairer elections. 

Will Eric Holder run for president of the United States in 2020? He has not yet announced but we wish him luck if he does.

Joe Biden!

Joseph Biden was Barack Obama’s  vice president from 2009 to 2017. 

Biden had family issues in 2016 but if he had ran for president in 2016 many people think he would have won. Will Joe run in 2020?

Slate says Democrats can do better than Joe Biden in 2020. Paste Magazine agrees.

Vanity Fair thinks a Biden presidency is worth  considering. Spoiler alert Biden is not ruling out 2020. Trump claims he would love to run against Biden in 2020.

Here at the Strangest Adventures  we like Joe Biden for president of the United States but wonder if the US needs younger leadership now.

John Kerry!

Speaking of older leader ship, John Kerry was Obama’s second secretary of state. 

John Kerry ran for president in 2004 but he was swift-boated and  lost to George W. Bush.

Obama made Kerry his second SOS and he did his job well but Trump is not a fan. 

But now Kerry sounds like a 2020 candidate according to Politico. 

Kerry was quite angry after Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate accord, 

Kerry once told the British newspaper The Guardian  “People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made.”

Obama has other friends too but perhaps they are long shots to run for president of the United States of America. 

The Rock!

Dwayne Johnson, also known as The Rock, is multi-talented and has played college football  for the University of Miami. He has also been a professional wrestler and still is an actor and producer.    

Will he run for president of the United States in 2020? Maybe. 

We say his lack of political experience rules him out but then Trump had no political experience either.

Oprah Winfrey!  

Oprah Winfrey  is possibly one of the most famous women in America.

She turned a job as a TV news anchor into  a career hosting a talk show. then transitioned her hit talk show into a media and business empire. 

Oprah supported Barack Obama as a presidential candidate.

One year Oprah Winfrey gave a rousing speech at the Golden Globes, afterwards many people thought she should run for president. 

At the Strangest Adventures we also know that everyone should consider the irrational, pseudoscientific fantasy land Oprah helped create in the United States Of America.

We do not approve of Oprah promoting scientifically dubious theories.

Some people have suggested that Oprah Winfrey  should run to become president of the United States. We disagree but who knows who will run in 2020? We can hardly wait to find out.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Vote 2018!

It’s election time in America-midterm elections are on Tuesday the 6th of November.That's tomorrow! They are midway between presidential elections and people often ignore them but this time they are important. If one or both houses of congress get controlled by democrats (president Trump is a republican) then congress can start holding the president responsible for his actions and maybe even his words. In the last big election, in 2016, Trump became president and the world was shocked: this time the world could be just as shocked, by change. The United States House of Representatives has 435 seats and all are contested but only 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested.

Most political analysts believe that democrats will take the house and republicans will keep the senate.
Also 35 governorships are being contested, the democrats expect to take the majority there as well because Trump seems to be very unpopular.

Republicans seem to be only too aware of their own unpopularity. Though Trump has the white house and his party controls congress a majority of voters are unhappy with this situation. Because of this some fairly substandard republican candidates are running this time. 

Here at The Strangest Adventures we already told you about Nazi republican Arthur Jones.

His "secret" identity" is Jack Justice

Steve West is another troubled republican. 

Steve West is running for the Missouri House of Representatives District 15   and is such a bigot that two of his children are speaking out against him. 

Even the republican party is denouncing him. 

He plays a character on radio and the internet, Jack Justice. Here is a taste of his antisemitism and hatred of other groups on his youtube channel.

Is he too extreme? You decide.

Neoconfederate Corey Stewart

Corey Stewart is another bigot republican running. Corey Stewart was Donald Trump’s Virginia campaign chairman In 2016 Corey said “I was Trump before Trump was Trump.” He is a favorite of white supremacists and he is trying to get elected to the US senate from Virginia. 

Is Corey Stewart too extreme? Read this and decide.

One aspect of this election is extreme republicans but another aspect of this election is women running for office. Why are so many women inspired to run for office this year?

Is it because the president bragged about grabbing women-his sexual misconduct?

Are women angry about the Kavanaugh supreme court hearing? And how it reminds them that they are not being heard?

Are they angry about how little has changed since the supreme court hearing for Clarence Thomas in 1991?

Keep in mind the reaction then was president George Herbert Walker Bush lost his reelection bid in 1992 and many women got elected to congress.1992 was called the Year of the Woman.

The class of 1992

Women that won in 1992 discuss the midterms of 2018 here.

A historian explains the striking parallels between 1992’s “Year of the Woman” and 2018.

2018 is also becoming known as the  Year of the Woman because a record number of women are running for political office in 2018.  Sixteen gubernatorial candidates,  twenty three senate candidates, and 237 house of representatives candidates are woman. Maybe 2018 should be called Year of the Women!

Alyse Galvin who is running for the open seat representing Alaska in the US house of representatives as a democrat against republican Don Young, exemplifies these times.

Alyse is a first time candidate running against the house’s longest serving member, Don King. A woman replacing a man is a recurring theme this year.

Woman replaces man?

Alyse Galvin thinks  it is time for a new Alaska voice in Congress. Is it?

Good luck Alyse, she may get elected: she is leading Don Young by one point in a recent poll.

Amy McGrath celebrates becoming the nominee

Retired Fighter Pilot Amy McGrath  is running for Kentucky's 6th congressional house district. Amy has been mentioned here on The Strangest Adventures before.

Once again a woman that has held no other elected office before hopes to replace a man. Can Amy McGrath win? 

Real Clear Politics says Amy is polling one point behind her republican opponent, Andy Barr.

Will she win anyway? Tuesday will tell the tale.

The future of Georgia?

Stacey Abrams is running for governor of Georgia. If Stacey wins she will be the first black woman governor of Georgia, or of any state in the United States. she was in the Georgia General Assembly, 2007–2017 and she was minority leader there from 2011 to 2017. 

Here she is on the Daily Show.

Former US President Barack Obama endorses Stacey

She seems very charismatic and she may have great potential on the national stage someday.

Her opponent, Brian Kemp, is current Secretary of State for Georgia- he has been scrutinized in the wake of a report from the Associated Press that he had stalled more than 50,000 voter registrations by disproportionately black voters under the state’s exact-match requirements.

Former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter endorses Stacey

However, U.S. District Judge Eleanor L. Ross ruled Friday that the procedures were likely to result in the violation of voting rights for a large group of people and needed to be halted immediately.

This has focused national attention on this governor’s race.

Is it patriotic to burn this symbol of the confederacy?

By the way Stacey burned the old Georgia state flag, featuring a confederate battle flag in it’s design when she was a college student in 1992-will this destruction  of a confederate symbol hurt or help her?

Many people were unhappy to see Trump elected in 2016-will 2018 be a backlash? For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.Will 2018 be a reaction to 2016 or will the current status quo be maintained? Time will tell but we urge every American to vote!