Monday, June 13, 2011

Friend of the Blog-Ed Brayton

Ed Brayton is a friend of The Strangest Adventure that promoted us on June 10th, 2011 with this story. Republican Superheroes to the Rescue Ed is a journalist and a wry commentator, and has appeared several times on the Rachel Maddows Show. In addition he is President of Michigan Citizens for Science. You can read the rest of his bio on his site,  Dispatches From The Culture Wars., where he will inform you about Science, Religion,  Law and Culture and their convergence.  He’s someone you CAN trust! Most of you came here because of his influence and so I can’t thank him enough. 


  1. I got here through Ed's link and I'm glad he put it on. You've got some great stuff here. I look forward to more posts.

  2. Thanks a ot, mxh!I've got plenty more I'm working on.
